A function that returns a color palette function based off of the viridis package.
viridis_palette(viridis_palette = "viridis", viridis_number = 800, viridis_range = 0:viridis_number)
viridis_palette | The viridis palette to use. Default: 'viridis' |
viridis_number | The number of colors to use in the viridis palette. Default: 800 |
viridis_range | The range in the color palette to use. Default: c(0, viridis_number) |
The output of this function is another function (grDevoces::colorRampPalette), which takes a number to generate an interpolated color palette as a character vector.
The purpose of this function is to provide an interpolated viridis palette for using with the get_color_palette function.
Other Color Palettes: combination_palette
# NOT RUN { if(interactive()){ library(MicrobiomeR) basic_pal <- viridis::viridis(n=25, option="magma") better_pal <- get_color_palette(pal_func = viridis_palette, color_no = 25) } # }