This function uses dynamic arguments (...) in order to combine multiple color palettes together.
... | You can use any name for your arguments, but the values must be a named list. The list can only have 4 named members:
You can add as many parameters you want in order to combine as many color palettes as you want. |
The output of this function is another function (grDevoces::colorRampPalette), which takes a number to generate an interpolated color palette as a character vector.
This function allows you to combine a varying number of color palettes and gives you the ability to subset and reverse the palettes that are supplied.
Other Color Palettes: get_color_palette
# NOT RUN { if(interactive()){ # Below is the code for the viridis_magma_palette function. # It's a good example of how to use the combination_palette function. viridis_magma_palette <- function(viridis_number = 800, viridis_range = 300:viridis_number, viridis_rev = TRUE, magma_number = 500, magma_range = 0:magma_number, magma_rev = FALSE, ...) { if (!missing(...)){ v_args = list(n=viridis_number, ...) m_args = list(n=magma_number, ...) } else { v_args = list(n=viridis_number) m_args = list(n=magma_number) } crp <- combination_palette(viridis = list(palette = viridis::viridis, args = v_args, range = viridis_range, rev = viridis_rev), magma = list(palette = viridis::magma, args = m_args, range = magma_range, rev = magma_rev) ) return(crp) } } # }